陣パーカ / ZIN-PARKA
66000 (YEN)
陣パーカ / ZIN-PARKA
66000 (YEN)
陣パーカ / ZIN-PARKA
63800 (YEN)
陣パーカ / ZIN-PARKA
63800 (YEN)
陣パーカ / ZIN PARKA
63800 (YEN)
陣パーカ / ZIN PARKA
sold out.
陣パーカ / ZIN-PARKA
sold out.
陣パーカ / ZIN-PARKA
sold out.
陣パーカ / ZIN-PARKA
sold out.
Its like a vast, with its short length, elegance and functionality, it makes it suitable for the hakama, as well clean silhouette, and light design.
It was used above the armor by warriors in past, and based on that we create it, it has a well balanced pockets like a Parker, one of its unique design is the shape of the hood, it has a three dimensional looks, when it looked at from behind, and when the front part is closed, it create a totally different shape and style, that can be enjoyed.